Retarded SJWs on "True victim of London attacks"

Here's the thing right, it's their community and their duty to clean up their act; but no, instead they bend over backwards to make it our fault and themselves the victim. No other fucking demographic in the UK right now would tolerate this shit, or does this shit. At the end of the day they all wear two faces, one for us, the other for themselves. It's a statement of fact. There are endless amounts of undercover camera footage and reports from Madrassas and Mosques that support that claim. Not to mention they don't integrate or in some cases even try to learn English; they all just arrive here and go to Bradford or Birmingham or London, their little enclaves, and don't interact with Britons. They end up hating us for not being Muslims. It's a fertile breeding ground for terror. Honestly I have no idea why stating all this is viewed as an "oh my God how racist" thing -- it's an "oh my God how correct, finally" thing. The biggest meme in the media right now is that the majority of Muslims are peaceful and have expectations of society that align with ours -- when in fact those few Muslims that are that way are in the absolute minority. The vast majority hate the living fucking shit of us because they see everything through a lens of "Islam vs. the infidels." They have this arrogant superiority complex, and I guarantee most of them think that they can "win" Europe by arriving here and breeding, kind of like a demographic war of attrition with sporadic acts of Islamo-supremist terrorism dotted here and there, with a few (where permitted by local police and governmental authority to be released to the public) major cases of either rape or child rape en masse.

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