Retiring by age 50. Is it worth it as a goal? Or is it overrated?

I'm now 51 years old. Through sheer will and hard work, I retired in paradise at 33. (And I started way below zero.) It's great - and not that great too.

Be careful what your goals are.

Every human is here to solve their problems. A set number of problems. Remove the financial ones, and your problems just move to other categories. Some of which are way, more difficult - if not impossible to solve. Keep a couple of financial insecurities around - if you can. Those problems will be easy for you.

And, without a reason to get up every morning - it's easier to quit on life. That sucks.

Just, heads up, mind your goals. Figure out what you want and find the partner you want to be with then - not now. Pick a seed, not a flower.

We are all wishing you the best of luck! May all your dreams come true.

/r/personalfinance Thread