I returned a product to John Lewis when it broke down. They gave me a replacement, but I think I've figured out why it broke. What should I do?

The old earphones weren't actually waterproof. I didn't think anything would happen to them if I bought them in the bathroom when showering because I used to bring all my phones into the bathroom at least once a day for the last 7 years.

My first phone I started doing this with was in 2012 and this is WAY before phones were classed as being waterproof.

There is something else I need to mention as well. I have two shower rooms in my house. One of them has a closed shower like this and the other one is open (like this)[https://www.betterbathrooms.com/baths/shower-baths/straight-shower-baths/1700-single-ended-straight-shower-bath-with-screen?gclid=Cj0KCQiAvqDiBRDAARIsADWh5Td4btkl4Oqy698lSNXSrmZ7prdGa6fWauoq2eU8U3ci-sa3bZJospMaAoDdEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds]

I always used to use the closed shower one and I think that's why there was no steam damage.


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