Reverse culture shock from thailand

Sorry but this is a really stupid comment.

No need to apologize , i can see you're not too smart so its cool. Anyways sorry no one at home ever wanted you , i imagine that must be difficult. But anyways you haven't magically become more desirable here. Easier to meet girls here ?? I mean yeah i guess they're less likely to tell you to fuckoff right away like the girls at home did to you. But most are just being polite and avoiding confrontation, not actually interested in you. And if you date/fuck them then its only because you have something they want be it money or free english lessons or whatever. Again this ONLY applies to guys like you who were unwanted by women at home. A guy who was a stud at home is a stud anywhere

If you're unable to identify and weed out the ones with ulterior motives from the good lot, you should probably be more suspicious of your intelligence.

I see you're another one of those "but my girl is different" guys the rest of us with common sense laugh at. One easy to identify factor is "the girl who is talking to the guys nobody wanted at home" that the first identifying sign a girl with ulterior motives.

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