reviews for cross armory quick pins

I think it's an expensive gimmick. It's not a bad design, it's just new. In a couple years, if the laws don't keep changing, the market will probably decide on, or converge towards, a new industry standard, like they did with the original bullet button. Whatever that item is will probably end up being "functional enough" and become really cheap. I think bullet buttons are like, under $10 each.

If you want the new gimmick, just like with any other product on the market, be prepared to pay more than it's worth. Or wait a couple years and get something that's more practical and less gimmicky.

The same can probably be said for featureless options, there's a ton out right now because they're new, but they're expensive and somewhat gimmicky. Wait a couple years and a more practical one will probably become the industry standard and be really cheap.

If you need something to hold you over until the market decides on a new standard, I'd suggest just getting something cheap until better options are available. Or, if you've got the extra money and you like the gimmick, get it. If you really like that gimmick, and if a ton of other people also like that gimmick, it's not really a gimmick, and the market might make it the next industry standard, which will probably drive the price down.

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