[RF] Feeling disillusioned by the Christmas season, a man goes on vacation in an attempt to get away from it.

Christmas had never been a good time of year for Tim. His very first Christmas, when he was far too young to understand or remember, had nevertheless been the worst. His mom had died. The cancer had been eating away at her for a while before, and the fact that her passing had been on Christmas day was nothing more than fluke.

Tim's dad had always tried to make the day special for him; too many presents, an attempt at a roast Turkey, a real Christmas tree - but the whole time Tim could see the sadness hidden behind his father's eyes. And as the day went on, and the drink was drunk, his dad's brave mask would slowly slip and his bottom lip would begin to tremble. Before Tim went to bed he would kiss his dad on the forehead and thank him and say he loved him. But as he lay in bed he would listen to the gentle weeping coming from below, and would himself long for something he'd never known.

As he got older, and as his dad drunk more, Christmas became something he dreaded. Tim would have to help his dad with the Turkey, just in case it was raw like that one year. He would fill his dad a stocking, and suggest games and try to distract him from the pain that he could never take away.

At eighteen, Tim's dad passed away. It was his liver. Tim hoped he was at peace and was with his mom.

November came and went, and December crept up. The dark shadow of Christmas loomed over Tim. He couldn't be here, in this house, with those memories. He didn't want to drink himself to death like his old man.

Tim decided he was going to get away from it all.

sorry, have to go out for 10 minutes. will finish soon.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread