RHONY star Barbara Kavovit’s home on the verge of forclosure

I'm not trying to make a case. I know Snooki isn't FROM NJ, but she's famous for being on a show set in NJ, which is why people associate her with NJ.

I am not saying that all women in NJ look like this. I'm not even saying that MANY women in NJ look like this. I'm just saying that that's what Bravo shows us - brunettes who go heavy on the self Tanner and light on the lip color.

Barbara looks more like the Jersey women than the NY women because that's her aesthetic.

It's not because she's unattractive or unappealing, or there's something wrong with her looks/features/body type. She's just into that self-tanner, too-pale lip look that we most recently saw on Bravo shows associated with Jersey.

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