Ricciardo '100% sure' Verstappen would have helped a hurt Hamilton immediately

Bruh, believing that the 'Bantus' were intellectually and evolutionarily inferior and incapable of living in civilized society, which is also incredibly divorced from reality, also had to be miserable, right?

Of course it was, which is why anyone with a functioning moral compass has moved (or is committed to moving) past such antiquated thinking. It’s precisely why my family (all of them Afrikaners, by the way) fought for SWAPO, or why my dad’s friend (another Afrikaner) was assassinated by an apartheid death squad.

But this has nothing to do with anything. Just because one group was once obsessed with race in the past, does not grant another group license to do just that, in the present. This leads to an infinite regression that gets us nowhere.

You’re not making a cogent point here at all - you’re merely bringing up things that I (and indeed the majority of white South Africans) bear absolutely no responsibility for whatsoever, while excusing horrendous and unfair accusations against someone else that is based purely on his ethnic group.

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