Richard Lewis "initiated physical contact". Also banned from working with Dreamhack.

Everyone claims all the good he has done but never actually lists the good he has done. He got IBP banned woop-de-doo. He also did it in a totally unethical way, and was lucky that his hunch that time turned out right, and didn't throw an entire team into scandal based on one sole text of someone who is known for creating trouble.

And creating content isn't necessarily good when the content is largely all opinion based nonsense which accomplishes incredibly little.

There is always a circle jerk here and in the past there was an anti circle jerk just as well. Him being a verbally abusive ( fact check his twitter), physically abusive (fact check the story), narcissist ( fact check the DSM-IV and go through a checklist ), who creates unnecessary drama and brings chaos to communities ( fact LoLReddit, This reddit), and him being an alcoholic is an educated guess based on his stream when he was drinking and his behavior as an individual. All these facts + 1 educated guess is completely irrelevant to the circle jerk, blaming the circle-jerk is a just a free +1 point to anyone who disagrees that he is an ignoramus.

He is just a go to rebel idol like Che Guevara for the anti-mainstream to circle jerk around despite all the glaringly obvious flaws. I'm not the one making assumptions, the only people making assumptions here who would be Pro RL Fans because there is no way someone could objectively gauge his prolific history of being a harmful influence and then say no his impact is largely positive.

Make an argument based on objective facts, just saying down-vote more and teeheehee circle jerk is the exact definition of a circle-jerk mentality.

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