Richard Lewis: Update Regarding Reddit Ban and LoL Content. Clearing up some misconceptions from both sides as well

"[...]while I can't engage with the discussion what so ever."

Whenever he "engages with" the discussion, he doesn't discuss, he flames, rage and abuses until the other person either stops talking, delets his/her account or it goes long enough that RL sees he can't just bully his way to a win, and the user gets brigade downvoted by RL fans, and banned from reading/replying to RL's twitter.

The thing is, RL doesn't CHALLENGE what's being said about it in any sort of civil manner. This is part of why he was banned!

This video is a better way of engaging in the discussion, but RL is still denying that his toxicity is a bad thing. If this were football, am. football, or any other major sport, if a journalist behaved as RL has done, he'd get booted, and never get a job again. Why is this behaviour then ok when it's eSports.

"...the only example of my brigading [...] is me calling someone an 'assclown' on twitter with a link to their comment in reddit..." (...the rant goes on about that user BEING an assclown, so why am I not allowed to say it, yadayada...)

RL hasn't just done this ONE time. He's done it numerous fucking amounts of time. Who cares whether the guy was wrong or not, why does RL need to publicly shame him on twitter. If the guy was wrong, and in actuality an "assclown" he'd get downvoted anyway. RL is making up excuses for his toxic behaviour.

Basically his argument is this: Why am I not allowed to be a bully when other people are bullies? - That is, in itself, hypocrisy.

He later says the same thing in a different way. He admits that he's been extremely abusive, but excuses it with the fact that, and I quote: " was always of an.. on parity with what I was getting..."

This is again, just NOT okay. You're not going to be well received if you lash out at every bad word said at you, it's neither civil nor professional. And yes, he does have a responsibility, because he is a public individual in a virtual space, well known in the community, and followed by a lot of CHILDREN (LoL is a game played by all ages and followed by all ages). RL doesn't realise this, and would rather lash out and abuse others.

"...violating my privacy..."

In what way is Reddit violating his privacy?!? Way later in the video he seems to address this, but talking about users, not Reddit itself, which is what he was arguing.

"...doxxing bullshit... ridulous lies in it..."

He did it. He admitted that he did it. What the fuck is bullshit about it? Why would you need to know who these mods are? He really has an issue explaining himself here.

In regard to the whole suicide shit, I'ven't actually seen any evidence about it, so I have no idea about it. Considering the story at the 40ish minute mark, it's difficult going through something like that, and does warrant some leniency toward RL's behaviour!

"...because I say things that people don't like, I don't deserve to have a job."

RL even quoted ME on this in his video, and I never said he doesn't deserve to have a job. I wrote "RL needs to stay dead." He can have a job, it's up to his employer (if he has one) to decide whether RL acts in their best interest or not. All I'm saying is that I don't want a guy like RL in the community if he continues to be as toxic as he has been. He is always the victim in his own mind. I've argued why earlier in this post.

Thorin was fired because he was fucking racist. He's demonstrated behaviour like this in the past, and has actively worked on getting rid of it. RL demonstrates none of this regret or willingness to change. I've gone back to watching some of Thorins content specifically because he stopped doing/saying a lot of these things.

"...that assholes, even competent ones NEED to be punished."

But they do, RL. They do! I am not harassing RL. I am arguing based on things he's done. I don't have a personal beef with RL, I have a beef with the way he behaves himself, and am extremely saddened by such a journalistic talent ruining his own writing with his behaviour. It takes away from his credibility.

This whole video is RL raising himself above everyone and everything. In his own mind everything he does is in the benefit of the community. He's the epitome of the community. Ugh. He constantly argues that admins leave threads up for too long when it's negativity/slander about RL, etc. It's like listening to a redneck talking about how he was abducted and abused by aliens.

I gave up on quoting all the spots where RL praises his own knowledge, writing, how he wants to educate the community, how he's such a good guy, and does everything to help everyone, etc.

RL starts out with whited out names of whom he quotes, and then doesn't do it at the 30minute mark. Consistency? Ofc. you're gonna get hate when you're a public figure in regards to a video game that's popular with kids. It's the internet. You deal with it.

What RL is doing IS journalism. How he acts in regard to the community is toxicity. What he doesn't realise is that these things are connected.

RL please just own up to your mistakes, work to better yourself, and work just as hard as you already do. Stop being a dick, and your work will be appreciated way more. Maybe there's a reason you get hated on in every single community you work in, and maybe you can actually do something about it.

/r/LeagueOfMeta Thread