Richard Spencer debates Sargon of Akkad. Sargon gets his ass handed to him. Full video in text.

He's formed his entire intellectual identity through one sided arguments against con-artists as intellectual dishonest as Anita Sarkeesian (literally one sided, he takes the videos and respons with a voice over). He has absolutely no idea how to engage with a differing viewpoint except to fall back on those tired old libertarian cliches which can provide NO recourse to whites being outbred and going extinct (something he admits he gives no shits about).

I personally don't agree with Spencer that a white ethnostate is a winnable fight within the U.S, but I respect him a lot for sticking to his guns and fighting it out. He's completely right that, within politics, there must be pragmatism. I was a Paultard in 2012, and where's Ron Paul now? He's not president, and I'm not sure I'd even want him at this point.

Here's my take overall as a fan of Styx and Spencer and only having a mild dislike of Sargon going into the conversation.

Andy: Literally comes off as retarded, and clearly can not read. I don't know if he's dyslexic, or whatever, but the guy's a complete moron.

Spencer: Kept it together better than I would have despite dealing with that whiny manbaby voiced Sargon screeching at him, laughing at all of his positions (simply because he's never encountered them before, and had no reference for anything Spencer was saying), and basically made a lot of ideologically consistent points, although I think his whole 'American ethnostate' idea is goofy and will never work (so point to Styx I suppose).

Sargon: What. A. Fucking. Moron. Annoying too... intensely annoying. He's made his career off of the low hanging fruit of people like Aneeta Sarkeesian, and he's seemingly incapable of discussing a different point of view with anything approaching an adult mentality. He embarrassed himself, and made the conversation borderline unlistenable, in my opinion.

French Guy: Total bro, and the best example of that certain French personality that really works for some people. I listened to a few other discussions on this channel immediately after, and this guy always stepped up.

Styx: My favourite solo Youtuber at his cucky worst. Won't name the Jew, won't defend white interests, as usual. Still love the guy, but I knew I'd be disagreeing with everything he said right off the bat. Libertarians are intensely naive (again, my perspective), and Spencer is correct at identifying that a fight needs to be fought, and misdeeds might have to be committed. Sargon was amazingly daft when he failed to understand that Spencer could both support censorship of OTHERS while disparaging censorship of HIMSELF (obviously he considers his own point of view to be correct), and was seemingly trying to 'gotcha' him into admitting hypocrisy. Of course he's 'hypocritical' in this instance. He's advocating for forced relocation of minorites, and censorship of subversive elements. It's absurdly pointless to try to get him to 'admit' that he would dislike these things when applied to himself: everybody would. Sargon needs to read Spengler or something.

Woes: Meh, I've never been a big fan, but he was needed to counteract Sargon's incessant squealing.

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