Ride the Norm Jary Skateboard park before it's turned into a basketball lounge and lunch spot

Why are those who wish for freedom “fucks”?

You have freedom you pathetic little shithead. Demanding that people "mandate freedom" sums it up well, it is both idiotic and a contradiction.

I also think retarded freedumbs that didn't even come to Ottawa to see their "kin" in action are particularly gullible and in need of societal help, because they are so desperate for a friend they will believe and say anything, even more moronic things than "mandate freedom".

So do Canada a favour. If you like demanding idiotic things like "mandate freedom" - when you are literally more free than anyone else in the course of human history - how about you move south of the boarder to be with your freedom-obsessed buddies. Jackass!

/r/Guelph Thread Parent