"Rigging" poker hands

Yes it will. Deviations from pure randomness will eventually be detected with enough data. Since the results of poker are already really random with skill only being detected after many many many hands played, this will take quite a few hands to detect.

Example: Say it takes 100 hands for player 1 to show reliably (so 85% of the time) that she is a better player than 2. And the skill distribution of randomly matched players is known.

Over perhaps 30 randomly matched pairs of players, and enough hands, you will likely see some significant ELO differences than what usually occurs and you can zoom in and spot it.

This however, is the sort of cheating which is not immediately blatantly obvious and requires tens of thousands of players playing tens of thousands of hands each in order to reliably spot "quickly".

Maybe something like this could be known as "huh, the player sitting on the left side of the table seems to do better. Must be a lucky seat!" For those who believe luck exists where money is involved.

/r/AskStatistics Thread