Rihanna and the cameras...

This is a little more edge:

"That's okay, because as a loser you are very predictable. You will tell even yourself that this doesn't bother you, but deep down it does. This exchange will color your interactions for at least a few hours. You'll be pissy with your mom when she asks if you want iced tea, you'll get sarcastic with a telemarkter and that'll help you feel strong again. You will cross post something to somewhere to remind yourself that you do have somewhere you belong.

But you aren't. And you don't. You are alone (except online) for a reason. And it's not because libruls and college girls dating chads. It's because you, personally, are a loser. And losers lose. It's just what you do. You will never be a winner. Because it is not in your nature. You will sulk, bitch, project, and attack; and in the cases where someone gives you the time of day - you will be ridiculed because...you guessed it...you are a loser.

This exchange here, I love this. I will leave here feeling good about making you feel bad. There is literally nothing you could say or do to upset me. But on your end, despite your instance its not the case - this will get to you. And it's because you are weak. Just like the loser you are lol

Go ahead little reject, respond. We both know you won't let this go. You can't. You need the last word. And it's because you are a loser. LOL @ U"

But whatever dude.

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