Ring of Emptiness no longer buffs pets

You know, considering some of the stuff they've let slide for an entire season (or more... wizards), I'm astonished they'd make this change. I feel like any developer with a shred of self-awareness would stop themselves and realize that instead of ruining an entire class by taking away the one thing that made it powerful and had everyone interested in it, you let that notoriously marginalized class have a season in the sun instead.

It's not as if it elevated WD to completely broken levels, either. It put the class roughly on par with all the other seasons' best build. If the numbers are problematic, tone it down by some percentage; but that wasn't the issue, anyway.

I wasn't even planning on playing a WD, but what's supposed to be the point of this change? Judging by the blue post, they just did it because... they didn't think it should affect pets. No insinuating that it's broken or anything. *"That change that has everyone excited to play a new class in S7? Yeah, we don't want that so we're changing everything hours before the season begins."

Reeks of incompetent, sporadic design decisions and a total lack of connection with the community. I guess you can't expect too much when the game is run by a skeleton crew, but it's both completely unnecessary to destroy the most hyped build of the season and extremely inconsiderate to do it hours before that season begins. This truly makes the seasons of utter wizard dominance entirely unacceptable.

/r/Diablo Thread Link - us.battle.net