Rinse away that tooth pain with this garbage mouth wash. Posted to my friends ig story.

I tried just plain clove oil on wisdom tooth pain and it was the worst!! In contrast, I had a LOT of dental work done in 2013. They replaced old amalgam fillings with the newer composite stuff. I had tons of pain following each visit, and with the second to the last one I was told if the pain didn’t go away they were going to do a root canal. I was interested in oil pulling at the time, and I tried it out of desperation to see if maybe it would kill off any bacteria or whatever that might be causing me pain. Well, it totally worked. I haven’t have any tooth pain that hasn’t been solved by swishing virgin coconut oil for 15 minutes over the last 7 years. I don’t know why it works for me.

/r/antiMLM Thread Link - i.redd.it