Riot TyraMaySue: “The Pentakill [drop] was ‘capped’ or ‘limited’ so yeah, not a guaranteed one. Because the Pentas have been scarce (none) we avoided placing a global drop on the Penta. The rest is history.”

"Huge punch in the gut" you people are seriously pathetic and so overdramatic when it comes to these drops. Literally every day of MSI crying about it.

Funny thing is people want to call drops a scam when everything people are complaining about here has been known since day 1.

For all of the exclusive Icons and Emotes, you’ll have multiple chances to earn them. If you earn one multiple times, you’ll only get one in game but multiple cards online.

I saw other viewers receiving Drops, but I didn’t – what happened? Some drops have a limited number of rewards, while others are given to everyone watching. The quantities depend on the reward, so cross your fingers that you get lucky!

Why did I receive a different reward from another viewer? Some drops have multiple rarity tiers. A higher rarity tier usually means a better reward – for example, some viewers may receive one specific ingame item, whereas other lucky viewers may get another in-game item. Pay attention to the rarity of the card and good luck!,-broadcast-schedule,-watch-rewards/bltd9eef4f151e24bca

/r/leagueoflegends Thread