The Rise and Fall of Zach Rouse

I did read the entire article. It was captivating and I found his character alluring, but I can't say it left me with any positive feelings about the accused. It is possible I am failing to parse the language or that it's merely poor reporting, but in fairness to the contradictions between our claims regarding any of his prior convictions, the article seems to beg the question of exactly what conviction remained after five counts were dropped out of "six counts of online corruption and possessing child pornography" in 2015. I assumed that the remaining count was for online corruption and possessing child pornography, otherwise it seems an editorial clarification would be in order from the Tribune.

The article reminded me of a less predatory but equally slimy former boss of mine, whose fraud charges led to a similar PR campaign as the one I suspect you're conducting here on reddit today. Not to insult your career or intellect, you seem like a decent, smart individual, I just find it concerning that the state of legal work has lead you, as an attorney, into moonlighting in PR or maybe even doing their own in favor of their client, when any persuasion should seemingly be directed at a jury who should ideally be unfamiliar with the character of the accused. I'm aware much can be achieved in favor of a defense when a public rally occurs in its favor, but careful you don't wind up with a new trial that way. All that said, IANAL and I have no idea how much of what I said is even technically legal and I admit it's equally plausible that you're an attorney unconnected to the case just doing some personal research, which I applaud in the name of protecting the innocent.

While I have you on the line, I found myself recently disturbed by another very similar local case involving one James McGlothlin. This case was particularly concerning to me because of my past connections to him as a youth and even vaguely through adulthood. He claimed innocence, but he sounds guilty as hell and I don't know if he even got his trial as it hasn't turned up in the news again in over a year. I wonder if he's innocent or what corrupted him along the line after being the polite smiling kid I knew. I wonder how predatory offenders think they're going to get away with their actions in this age of technology and infosec. When they're found innocent, no one ever seems to figure out who put child porn on their computers. Their sentences are life ruining and there's no innocence project with any decent amount of momentum like there are for wrongly accused murderers. Makes me feel lucky that my sexuality matured with my age, yet I can't imagine being so depraved or out of touch that I'd offend even if I had become a pedophile. I just hope there's justice for the innocent and the abused, that's all.

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