The rise of the ‘Re-Leavers’ points towards a Conservative landslide

What possible reason would Leavers have to become Remainers at this point? Very little has changed and almost no one is switched-on enough to understand the real economic or political implications (good or bad).

Remainers, on the other hand, have very little choice and the people in charge have done a good job of furiously retconning all the shit they said and are trying to cement over any cracks in Brexit from the public.

Then there are the Remain voters who accept the result and just the government to crack on with it. Chances are these people will go Tory.

I don't really see why that would be the case. Personally I don't see much point in voting Lib Dem specifically because they want a non-Brexit. They're not going to win - so what does it matter? But why would I suddenly want the Conservatives in charge? Bit of a non-sequitur.

To a non-conservative voter they don't seem like the 'only party that can deliver Brexit.' In fact, Brexit is going to have almost nothing to do with who I vote for because I see so little difference in it.

In reality Remainers, no matter their political preferences, are going to have a much much smaller voice in a GE. Once you remove non-English voters and put them into their constituencies they are completely obliterated by a FPTP system besides a few Labour strongholds.

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