Rittenhouse Trial Megathread - 11/9

Sure it is. We know whose rally he attended, and who he drinks with and flashes racist gang signs with, and we know whose monetary and social support he accepts.

This is all so vague. Care to give anything concrete about what these things are that we supposedly "know"? Whose rally? Who does he drink with? What racist gang sign? Whose support?

The judge in this trial determined the curfew was unlawful?

That's not what I said.

Do you not understand what a dismissed charge means?

I do understand what it means. What makes you think I don't?

Or are you being dishonest?

Rich coming from you.

Why would we not hold everyone who attended accountable? You have a weird thing with questioning accountability. You seem averse.

I have a "weird thing" trying to figure out what you mean by "accountable" when you refuse to answer the question every time I ask about it.

Waved away after he failed to render aid and instead made a phone call

You clearly don't know the timeline of events that the person rendering aid specifically testified to. McGinnis ran over as soon as the shooting was over, told the person standing behind him (who ended up being Kyle, but he didn't know at the time) to call 911 and then saw him pull out a phone.

He's justified to want to attend a riot with a gun because he might get killed, but he's not responsible to surrender at that riot after killing people because he might get killed?

Correct. Under no pretext does anyone have to surrender to a mob.

He didn't turn himself in.

Not for lack of trying. We can all see the video.

had what was likely the last good night's sleep he'll ever have.

Why would it be his last good night's sleep?

The charge - which has been reatedly upheld despite attempts by the defense to have it dismissed - says he wasn't allowed to have the weapon, so the legal system aLl BuT aDmItS iT.

Being charged with something doesn't mean they are guilty of it, but you already knew this.

Re-read if you forgot the immoral and illegal acts of Rittenhouse so soon.

Impossible to forget something that didn't happen. You are insistent that such things happened but haven't provided proof of what they were.

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