Riven is dead to me.

Firstly, I'm joining the marines as a cryptologic linguist. Over 80 weeks, I will not only be learning an entirely new language (Korean) but I will be taught how to intercept and decipher incoming enemy transmissions. Ever heard of cicada 3301? Because their puzzles are completely childish compared to what I could be solving. My job, or MOS, is easily one of the most (if not the most) single most difficult courses available to civilians. One that I would bet you are not even capable of qualifying for, let alone testing in the 95th percentile for members of that MOS.

Secondly, don't disrespect the military. Just because someone has the balls to pick up a weapon and do something that you're too scared to doesn't mean that he is stupid. Sure, some people joining the military aren't very smart and only join because it's their last option. However, some people are so smart that joining the military is their only option (besides joining a group such as cicada 3301) to put their mind to work. Don't stereotype and discredit the member of the military while you're sitting at home typing on your fucking keyboard. If you can't stand behind them, go stand in front of them.

Thirdly, you have no fucking clue who I am. You don't actually know what accounts I have, you're just assuming whatever you want to. You're probably not that stupid. You probably scored decently on your ACT or SAT or whatever and got into a decent college because you participated in classes and received a good GPA. You're not exceptional, though.

You have the brainpower to notice that there was only one patch inbetween when my opinions changed about Riven, but you're too ignorant to notice all the changes that have been amde to various other champions like nidalee. You're too ignorant to notice that people are slowly becoming more accustomed tot he preseason 6 items and abusing them on tanky bruisers like Trundle and Illaoi. Too ignorant to even think of the various other possibilities.

You may be able to play Riven better than I can right now, but don't even think for a fucking second you have me figured out. And don't even think of insulting the people protecting your right to insult me through a fucking video game forum from behind your keyboard.

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