RLS now available via rustup

A lot of older and more established languages are starting to push towards the model that rust is currently doing. Many of those have exactly what you are asking for (all in one bundle that does everything).

The problem with this model is it too tightly couples everything. You can't use a newer version of C++ until you get a newer version of visual studios. You can't start using newer Java features until eclipse adds support for it to their own compiler. etc.

Most newer languages (dart, go, rust, off the top of my head) have embraced this decoupling model and it has been, generally, a lot easier to support all around.

The model has enough advantages that languages like C++ are starting to try to push for it in general. It is just far easier to support language constructs in the compiler where all the lexing and parsing is happening anyways.

Dart, in particular, saw some pretty good benefits here because it allowed them to quickly and easily swap out some core dart code a couple of times (the dart2js stuff) with pretty minimal user usage interruption.

I'm not saying that ergonomically, getting all of the tools couldn't be better. But I am saying that trying to merge all the tools into a super tool would be a mistake that others have made and are by and large trying to reverse. It is far too convenient to be able to incrementally update things vs trying to push massive updates to the world all at once.

/r/rust Thread Parent Link - jonathanturner.org