RMR — Rascal [Piano Country Trap] (2020)

  1. The perspective of this song's lyrics (and a recurring theme in a lot of rap) is that this lifestyle was one of their few options, because the system did not support them ("show me a better way // I promise I'll quit this game") and they even feel isolated by regular people in the community ("they hatin on me too", "bitches that broke my heart").

  2. I would also argue that although the video seems to glorify the game, the lyrics do not. ("I've been hurt and fucked up too", "every sleepless night", "blow the money, act a fool"). Even "I came up and so could you" can be taken as self-awareness about how the cycle continues. Also, the intro bit where he parodies a different Rascal Flatts song includes "I go back to the trap because not much has changed."

You may not agree with either 1) the perspective that they didn't have better options, or 2) my interpretation of the lyrics, but I hope you will agree that it's at least more complex than "drugs, money, guns."

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