I have a roach problem.. :(

Take it apart put it in a bowl (ceramic or whatever normal plates are made of, not really sure) and cover it with alcohol.

After about 30 minutes you'll notice that most of it came off in the alcohol but the grinding chamber is still full of it because it's the part that actually breaks up the bud. What I did was put the top parts together upside down over the bowl, make sure there's some alcohol inside and twist it pretty hard to make it come off. Then use some scraping tool to get the last bits out of there.

Once you have a bowl of really dirty alcohol you're gonna have to let it evaporate. This will take about a day. Make sure to use a scraping tool to push down the residue on the sides of the bowl otherwise that will dry up leaving you with:

A) A really dirty bowl and

B) Lost marijuana content since that green stuff you'll see there is what you're gonna be smoking.

I used a little plastic shovel that came with the grinder which was great since It was kinda soft and didn't scratch anything or leave anything behind.

Put it in front of a fan or on a windowsill that gets decent wind to speed up the evaporation.

What you'll get is this green/black gunky thing which I think is hash (I've never bought or smoked hash so I don't know what it looks like but all the google images look just like our end result).

Make sure to let it dry well so you don't smoke alcohol. Cuz that's bad mmkay?

If you get your bowl/plate dirty you can just use alcohol to clean it off.

I made this really long but I figured about half this shit out and now you won't have to. :)

Smoke that shit in a bowl with lots of fire and it will get you high. Leaves a kinda bad taste in the mouth though.

Protip: if you're gonna do it on wood surface that has a barnish be very careful because there's a chance the alcohol might dissolve it and fuck up your surface. So use a towel or some newspaper or whatever.

/r/trees Thread Link - i.imgur.com