Road rage incident leads to man yelling all lives matter from his company truck.

A few things:

Every single person who says "all lives matter" is a fucking racist. No question. No defense. Fuck off with that stupid shit.

Second, if you're going to call everyone idiots, make sure you don't have shit-simple typo's preceding it. It takes away from the sting of calling out someones intelligence when yo u struggle to properly spell a word that has 3 letters.

Third, nobody is trying to "fix" racism (which you said didn't exist here, might want to get your own story straight). They are trying to belittle a piece of shit and hurt his company because that's literally the least of what he deserves.

Now, I've got to assume you yourself are some kind of piece of shit. I get the impulse to play devils advocate and go against the grain but granting the benefit of the doubt to a racist who yells a clear racist catch phrase is just fucking clown shoes buddy.

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