Robert Kaplan's Right About Imperialism, Wrong About the Middle East | Imperialism can impose order. But that doesn’t mean the U.S. should pursue empire in the Middle East.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot)

The multiple small states of central Europe and the Balkans would hardly be viable in a security sense today in anything other than the current European order supported by the United States, another empire.

We cannot expect the boundaries of Middle Eastern states, especially those in conflict, to remain permanent forever - it is like trapping states in dysfunctional boxes, setting the stage for constant warfare.

As Kaplan rightly states, "Imperialism bestowed order." But while I am in agreement with him about the nature of the phenomenon of empire, I am in strong disagreement about his proposed ideas for the region: that America should resort to imperialism in the region.

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