Robert Scoble: Google and Samsung have poisoned VR. Here's how

Well, I will say that my interest in "big boy" VR has completely disappeared due to having used Gear VR. I can't imagine roomscale and controllers having that much of a difference in the experiences.

Now, to clarify, I'm sure they do. But even as a reasonably educated customer, I've "seen" VR and the experiences just aren't super compelling right now. I've had my fun with GVR, but now it's just collecting dust. It has certainly tempered my excitement for VR. Not just that the experiences haven't been great (because some have), but also because there is too much going on for me to isolate myself in a helmet for hours at a time. At least with a flat TV game, you can pause to look at your phone, or carry on a conversation with someone while playing, or whatever. For VR to really work, and I mean REALLY work, not just "work" - it needs to be immersive - more so than it is right now. It needs to give you an absolute genuine reason to make the sacrifice of cutting yourself off from the world for an hour or two.

/r/GearVR Thread Link -