Robin Williams' character is meant to be the hero of Mrs Doubtfire but, on reflection, his behaviour is full level psycho creep while Pierce Brosnan's potential stepdad does nothing wrong except be rather dashing

This movie was for children. As a child, I wished so much that my dad would step up to the plate and take me away from the situation my mom forced me into with husband #2 (of 4). I always saw the silliness and the compassion of Rob Williams and always assumed that the Brosnans had an agenda, because in my life, they did.

In reality, we don’t get to have this level of silly without chaos and it’s disappointing, but this movie is an escape. As I have become an adult caregiver in my family, I recognize the need of the attention/want represented by this film as well as appreciate the judge’s conviction and conversation at the end. Every time I watch this film I get a new learning.

/r/movies Thread