Rock Paper Shotgun will start disallowing users who block ads from accessing the website

I've been reading it from the very start. It has always been socially progressive. Their FAQ in 2008 stated:

You people keep deleting my comments. That couldn’t possibly be because I said something abusive / homophobic / racist / misogynistic / sociopathic, could it?

Oh, it rather could. We don’t stand for nastiness around here, unless it’s us being nasty to Walker. If you say something really offensive, we’ll delete both it and your future comments outright.

Honestly calling this "pushing" seems strange to me. They have a clear and openly-stated opinion. Sometimes a bit preachy and over the top, I agree, but honestly you sound like the 'offended snowflakes' that RPS are often accused of being. Just ignore it, and if you don't like it don't read it.

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