Rockstar Games brags about Red Dead Redemption 2's development requiring "100-hour work weeks". Blatant exploitation of workers is used to promote the game.

I wonder what the pay is like. Considering how GTA V was one of the most profitable pieces of entertainment ever, and yet they still try to get millions more through microtransaction systems that ruined their online component. If I was working 100 hours on games that people consider far superior to the rest of the industry's, you'd be goddamn right that I would want significant pay and benefits. Give every one of those employees a stake in the fucking crazy profit they're about to have. Or a percentage of the shark card money that makes them look like rubes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm more excited for RDR2 than any game, but that's a product of this exact kind of shit.

They're also selling like 8 different editions of the game that all come with different pieces that any other developer would just give to everyone who preorders or gets a special edition. Oh and the most expensive one doesn't come with a game. They're asking us to spend $160 minimum, and still have the corporate gall to treat employees like shit. Gamedevs need a union like every other industry. Not only that but the unions need power to act instead of pan PR flame for whichever publishers pay them.

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