Rod Rosenstein has resigned as Deputy Attorney General. What are your thoughts on his tenure?

But the rest of the world, rationally decided for good reason, that if you go to a rally organized by white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and you march side by side with them, then that is condoning their behavior. Because the rally was 100% started by white supremacists.

Most people didn't fucking know it was organized by white supremacist, I didn't find that out until months later. It was called UNITE THE RIGHT not unite the white or some obvious nazi shit.

And it's not condoning their behavior, it's showing agreement with their specific exact goal in this specific protest which was against censorship. A broken clock is still right twice a day.

But he also said both sides are to blame, and defended that statement snd sentiment multiple times as you can see above.

Antifa are anti American anarchist who will attack anyone who disagrees with them politically. Yes they factually are bad violent people regardless of how bad the their current opponents are.

And the entire point every single NS is making is that YOU CAN'T BE MARCHING ON THE SIDE OF THE KKK, NEO-NAZIS, AND WHITE SUPREMACISTS AND BE VERY FINE PEOPLE. That's it. There is no arguing, there is no debate, it is just a fact of life

This is like saying all American soldiers in World War 2 are bad human beings because we were on the same side as Stalin. Tolerating jackasses for a single fucking protest for the greater good doesn't make you a bad person.

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