Roma Island Part 2: Festival of Roses

Julles was a tad bit bored sitting around the table, although the lobster looked tasty, there was no beer, only wine, and it's common culture that wine is for wussies. Julles gets up from the table ready to leave until he realises there is a small girl sitting on the corner alone, Julles made sure to check on her before leaving, he would feel bad if he didn't.

"Excuse me, like, Missie, but why are you sitting in here away from the table? The so called party is happening, like, around that table."

The girl responded: "Oh sorry am I of a bother sir? I was just feeling bored from the party... Say has anything interesting happened to you? You seem like a well traveled fellow..."

"A tale of adventure? What would you, like, like to hear about?"

"Anything really sir, as long as it's something i've never heard of"

"Very well Dudette, how about a story of my childhood? You, like, see lil' missie I didn't grew up like you, everything wasn't simple and gnarly like you have it here. i grew up in a faraway island, in South Blue. I lived in, like, a poor island in an even poorer village..."

"And what was it like?"

"Well... to put it in shortly, it wasn't pleasant, not even a lil' bit, like, crime everywhere, where you had to fight to survive and there was fish gut stench everywhere" Julles stops to slightly unsheathe his saber, to give the girl a sample of the smell. "Sorta like this!"

"Wow that really stinks... does that not bother you mister?"

"The smell? like, not at all, I've gotten used to it... You see back in my village, i lived alone with my grandpop who has, like, to weak to live on his own, never met my parents and my grandpop is too old and sick to remember anything... So to go on with the story, near the docks where i lived there was a group of bandits, they called themselves, like, the Whalehooks, and they weren't gnarly... not gnarly at all..."

Julles stops for a bit, looking at the floor considering in his head if we wanted to keep going on with the story

"Mister... are you ok? do you want to continue?"

"Ugh... sorry, I'll, like, continue... So one day as I tried to get whatever I could to feed my granpop and myself, I stumbled upon the Whalehooks's hideout, I tried reporting them to the local marines but they were a bit powerless to deal with them... So you know what I, like, did?"

"What did you do sir?"

"Well I... Pillaged their hideout... I had in my hands all their money they hade looted, I could leave the island with my grandpop and maybe even afford treatment for him"

"And what happened next?"

"Well... The Whalehooks didn't take it so kindly to what i did... The next night they sneaked into my house and reclaimed what i took from them, but they also took something else... like, my grandpops ability to walk... The "jabrohnees" then escaped and i never found them again, I tried to, like, report their assault to the local marines but again... they were all a bunch of lame-os and did nothing..."

"Sorry to hear sir..."

"Don't be! that was, like, what inspired me to join the marines, there is no need for spineless cowards like those."

"Thanks for the story sir, will you stay for a bit longer or are you still going to leave?"

"You know what? I was, like, going to, but before i do, I wanna show you something secret that is tottaly gnarly" Julles lifts up the hair in front of his eyes, the girl jumps a little on her chair not expecting it, as she looked at it she tried touching it with her finger

"Wow sir... your face is... squishy to say the least..." She stopped and took her finger off the squishy fleshy skin "It's gross... but neat"

"Keep it a secret ok? Most people wouldn't like knowing about this... that is why I have my hair this way." Julles leaves the inside of the mansion and sits at the steppes leading to the mansion's front door, and from there he watches the people's euphoric dancing...

/r/OnePieceRPG Thread