Romantic Experiences with ISFP?

I’m still debating if my ex-bf is an isfp or infp (Fi-dom for sure), but I’m going to settle on infp for now (with little evidence). I lived with an isfp for two years, but our friendship went down the drain because she became toxic so I cut her off. She displayed unhealthy coping skills (e.g playing victim, manipulation, obscuring communication and facts to frustrate me, and very cynical) to deal with her issues.

Before all of this, I’d say the most frustrating and annoying trait is her communication style. Ime isfps speak through their action and it’s a lot fucken work to understand them. BUT if they value you and you have their attention, their communication style changes somehow improves idk. It is very annoying because this type hates when people make assumption yet they are unwilling (but struggle) to put the effort to communicate because “it’s too much work” and “not worth it” to explain so others can understand where they’re coming from. She told me she likes direct and clear communication, but it’s a headache when it came to her communication style. Specifically my ex-friend struggle vocalizing her feelings when she’s frustrated. I’m not annoyed that it is a struggle for her, but overtime I see that she can get manipulative enough to make you do the work. Make you initiate when she’s mad at you. Isfp perceive how they want to see things.

They can also be unaware of how their actions impact others. If they choose to make those choices it’s because they’re staying true to their values. Using the authentic card. BS in my opinion because I saw how it’s also used to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. They don't have Fe so they’re not always other-oriented but they can get extremely offended by people’s action at the same time. I had no idea my actions hurt her but saw her actions changed them because she got passive aggressive and stonewall me. I’m not annoyed at the differences of fe and Fi, but it’s like walking on a landline most of the time. After living with her for two years, I have reason to believe that I think she has unhealthy communication style and unhealthy ways to deal with emotions that create consequences. She handles them in a irresponsible way like very childish, blaming others. I have a harsh opinion about her in this way, but I’m going to be honest about my experience with her.

I do want to leave a comment about a positive trait that I truly value but I’m busy atm. I will come back to edit this.

/r/infj Thread