Roommate leaves for vacation without cleaning her bathroom- I leave a week later and come back to her still not cleaning- plus hair in the shower...

Our apartment is kinda weird- We have two bathrooms, both have toilets and, but one has a sink and the other has a bathtub and they're right beside each other- so it's not like I walked into her room and just took pictures.After she had gotten pink eye, I cleaned and sanitized the bathroom, but never went back into it out of anxiety. I keep the bathroom with the bathtub clean- and have opted to brush my teeth in the kitchen because yes- it smells.So there is no master bathroom... and yes, it smells and I have a seven-year-old daughter. If she's (my roommate) is in the shower bathroom and my kid can't hold it, she has to suffer through that...So yeah- I say 'her bathroom' in the sense it's unusable by anyone but her because of the state it's in.(Wish I could have explained that earlier)

Our apartment is kinda weird- We have two bathrooms, both have toilets and, but one has a sink and the other has a bathtub and they're right beside each other- so it's not like I walked into her room and just took pictures.

After she had gotten pink eye, I cleaned and sanitized the bathroom, but never went back into it out of anxiety. I keep the bathroom with the bathtub clean- and have opted to brush my teeth in the kitchen because yes- it smells.

So there is no master bathroom... and yes, it smells and I have a seven-year-old daughter. If she's (my roommate) is in the shower bathroom and my kid can't hold it, she has to suffer through that...

So yeah- I say 'her bathroom' in the sense it's unusable by anyone but her because of the state it's in.

(Wish I could have explained that earlier- two times before)

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