Rose twitter at it again with woke self-flagellation

I just really wish we could all move away from all these labels. Anything that divides us as humans

Shared trauma and suffering is a huge reason people group together. To get rid of certain labels you'd have to ride the world of it's suffering.

has absolutely no bearing on what kind of person they are.

It really doesn't matter what kind of person someone is. To rid the world of it's suffering people have to believe that all human life has value and deserves compassion no matter how terrible someone might be. No matter what labels they ascribe to themselves.

If human rights and compassion is the goal then the labels and personal character of the humans we are standing up for are irrelevant. We should wish for justice for Kyle Rittenhouse as much as we wish for justice for Jacob Blake.

The values our institutions are built on and upheld to is what will combat human suffering.

Until then labels serve a useful purpose as a coping and healing mechanism. And even if we were to do the unlikely and create a just world with little suffering, humans have a propensity for creating tribes. We can't survive alone and have a very strong biological urge to form groups for survival. Therefore labels will probably always exist.

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