Roses are red, violets are blue, hah no money for you!

Definitely a lot more than 1/4. It's 1/4 of his life IF he lives to be 100. Most people die much younger than that .. and I imagine the stress of being wrongfully imprisoned for 24 years for sexual crimes at that didn't add any years to his life.

I can't imagine that stress and how many lonely, hopeless nights he lie awake tortured thinking he'd never get out or be cleared from these crimes. Honestly he should have been awarded so much more he should be able to live the rest of his life like a God damn Rockefeller and then some.

I'm really glad that leech of an ex wife didn't get anything, considering she abandoned him. I can't fully blame her for leaving if she thought he was guilty but what kind of monster thinks they should get anything for HIS pain, suffering and loss of time?

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