Roughly 600,000 travelers are stranded around the world after British travel provider Thomas Cook declared bankruptcy.

The parent isn't being downvoted

It was when I wrote my comment.

package holidays have had a resurgence since 2017, and the the number of UK residents’ going abroad hit a peak in 2017 (and 2018 was the second highest number..), it has been growing over the period that Thomas Cook has had issues, not falling, see the latest ONS Travel Trends bulletin...

I'm not sure what your point is here, since your own link states that 2018 was a decline, so the trend is not necessarily going up, and even if it were, you need to look at percentage of the population rather than simply number of packages.

If you want a decent overview of the issues this is probably a better place to start than the notion that it's down to brexit.

The article you linked is paywalled and full of ads, so even if I took the time to try to read it, I can't. Regardless, the point isn't that brexit was the root cause of the collapse of this poorly-managed giant, but rather that it was the final nail in the coffin, which is exactly what /u/cnncctv said. Here's the Guardian article I mentioned:

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