Roughly about 10 hours ago I got into a car accident...I’m okay but shaken up.

Based on a similar experience I had years ago, when an automobile accident left me in shock but without physical injuries, I would strongly recommend the following:

  • If you received any kind of a blow to the head, go to the emergency room right now. Don’t trust your own judgment to know that you’re OK and don’t need to go. Remember, you are in shock and your ability to think clearly is impaired!

  • Let someone else, such as a friend, relative, coworker, or neighbor, know what has happened to you. Tell them that you are in shock.

  • Don’t make any important decisions about anything until you are quite sure you’re over your shock.

  • Don’t talk to the other person’s attorney or insurance company until you have spoken with yours.

  • Go to a doctor or an emergency room immediately if you feel any significant physical or psychological symptoms coming on.

  • Be good to yourself.

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