Round 2 lots of PMs about essays. Solution: IBC brutal reviews of essay ideas again

Actually I guess while I'm waiting here's a second one that I have.

Another is my empathy/kindness, and my hope to always make the others around me smile. There's this story my mom always tells about how when my parents got divorced, the court-mandated therapist told my twin sister and I that she had also gone through a divorce (in order to help connect with us), and I immediately ran up to her and hugged her and asked her if she was okay. I like to make people smile, and I'll remember key things like their boba order or their birthday and find little ways to make them happy. I can also talk about how during COVID i asked on instagram if anyone wanted to be checked in with, and compiled a list of people that i would text every once in a while and call and see if they were okay, even though many of them were total strangers who just needed someone by them. I do something similar with my current friends as well, regularly sending them a text and asking to chat if I see them withdrawing, and loving listening to their stories and empathizing with their tough times. I can write about how through my work, I was able to connect with former parolees and learn about their struggles and ended up helping to write a guide for them for re-entry resources to even help to alleviate that, but more importantly I listened and talk about how important that is. I also just believe in watching my peers succeed so sometimes at the library I'll stay after I'm done studying just to help others with their assignments, I'm the kid that makes AP tips slides on my Instagram and writes all the study guides even when I don't need them, and just tries to help make things easier in any way for others around me. My major problem with this essay is that it feels so surface-level -- like of course everyone cares about people and in helping people around them to smile -- so I'm just not sure how to differentiate that or really include the same vivid language I have in my first essay.

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread Parent