RP Dosers Will Make RP A Mainstream Reality

You pretty much caught on to much of what I was saying. I don't mind competition, as I know most men won't rise to the occasion. Plenty will sit down and be beta, but we stand a chance of not being made out to be aberant or hostile to society (which many feminists will free claim). And if we make more men better, we stand to make more women better.

There are many prongs and subgroups to TRP. Some are just looking to have genuine relationships, some are just looking to get laid, to each one's own, and some DGAF.

As individual alphas, would-be alphas, and blue betas waking up, we are up against the eight ball to begin with. We are losing the culture war, we are losing the struggle to maintain masculinity. Yes subgroups like TRP are popping up but they aren't publicly known or acknowledged in the mainstream unless feminists and anti-man types bring it up. We have no control over the message or the future of how society sees TRP.

There are millions of submissive women waiting for their alpha male, but so many men have been cowed into being afraid of wanting to be alphas and as a result we are suffering the loss of the nuclear family and societal sustainability with ever changing demographics coming into play.

Plus, if women see many successful relationships occurring where the man is the superior in the relationship versus unsuccessful ones where the woman was the superior one, many women present and future will change their tone. But for that to happen, you need financially successful alphas and would-be alphas to rise that are publicly present and undeniable. We as men have the ability to make such a thing possible. While giving more options to men and women about how they choose to operate in and initiate a relationship.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent