RT, come on. Your fans are giving you a message that censoring your past videos and pretending they don't exist is not the way to go. This video had 4.2k upvotes and multiple awards before it was removed. This isn't right.

They obviously have a right to do what they want with their content. The frustration that many of us are feeling with this decision is that it’s unnecessary. They can say what they will about not wanting to offend but if they were serious about that, they’d pull every joke about smokers, politics, celebrities, any group or idea that could possibly be labeled as offensive.

They’re trying to make it out like they’re learning from mistakes they made with people by pulling content when the content in question is not really offensive at all. It just feels so slimy to me. Especially because RT always took a stance against censorship early on.

It is my personal opinion that the company began losing some of its soul the instant it sold to Warner and I’m afraid that soul may be lost forever if they start acting corporate. I just don’t want that to happen.

/r/roosterteeth Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it