I ruined someones day & it felt great

Whoops. I'm so sorry, I never ever realized that having someone simply join a different session was "restricting or inhibiting any other user from using and enjoying any online features of the Software."

Oh way, it isn't. We aren't DDOS-ing anyone. At worst, we're delaying someone from playing for a total of 30 seconds while they load into a new session. In fact, I'd argue that the griefers we work to avoid do more to inhibit users from enjoying online features far more than what we do.

Honestly, you'd have two options with us. Run your VIP mission, and use the 20-30 minutes to message us, make clear that you're nice, and we'd direct you to apply. You'd then have full access to our sessions and all of our members, who would then turn around and help you as much as possible and defend you from other griefers. Or, you can take us on and use that time to get pummeled into the ground. Your call. We don't stop anyone from playing, we just direct you to a new session where we won't have to stop and try to figure out if you're actually a nice person or a griefer waiting and biding their time until a major sale is going on. If you want to be in our sessions, you're more than free to apply.

That section of the EULA is intended to address people who use modding menus to explode the lobby and cause widespread havok. Not people using a feature Rockstar included specifically to allow sessions dominated by players with certain values to stay that way.

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