Rules Roundtable #20: [removed]

I'm not so sure that's really at the heart of this. I think a lot of people who post complaining about removed comments assume that if a post has a ton of removed comments a decent portion will be stuff like this

Actually in 1604 James I King of England, and VI King of Scotland wrote an anti-tobacco pamphlet where some of the health harms tobacco produced were covered (warning, the writings contain racism against American Indians). Of course this was pipe smoking, not cigarettes. And it doesn't seem to have stopped the English from smoking. But it's evidence negative health impacts were identified early on.

and think that's "better" than the alternative of nothing. I'm not sure what you'd call that, perhaps at worst its the "hobbyist who has glancing anecdotal knowledge of the topic at hand who nonetheless doesn't really give a wrong answer." this avoids the "upvotes judge wrong answers" idea but it pushes for allowance of substantively much weaker content to be allowed (the side effect of this sort of thing crowding out ability to see higher quality later answers often goes unmentioned).

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