Run-up to SWC gem giveaway - Day 2!

LONG LIST AHEAD IGN the same as reddit username: DrLoveBuns *Awilix would be a stripper *Agni would be a rapper *AMC would be an environmentalist *Anhur would be an ASPCA member, so would Anubis. *Ao Kuang would be a soldier *Aphro would be a model *Apollo would be a rockstar *Arachne would be dead because she's a spider and everyone hates spiders *Ares would be a cop *Artemis would be that really innocent girl that everyone wants in school *Athena would be a general *Bacchus would be a frat boy *Bakasura would be like Ben Stiller at the end of Dodgeball *Bastet would be a furry :3 *Cabrakan would be a demolitionist *Chaac would be a weather man *Chang'e would be a professional dancer (duh) *Chronos would be... can't think of anything xD *Cupid would be that needy kid that always wants to be loved *Fenrir would be a gaurd dog *Freya would be a chemist *Geb would be a hill *Guan Yu would be a veteran *Hades would be a bouncer *He Bo would be a surfer *Hel would be a bi-polar girl *Hercules would be a body builder *Hun Batz would be a drummer for a band *Isis would be a chicken Kappa *Janus would be a greeter at wal-mart (get it, because doors :P) *Kali would be a chef *KabbleKrickleKackle would be a Weatherman *Kumbhakarna would be a sponsor for memory foam beds *Loki would be a jester *Mercury would be a postman *Ne Zha would be a skater *Neith would be a japanese popstar *Nemesis would be a fortune teller *Nox would be a mother *Nu Wa would be a model *Odin would be a librarian *Osiris would be an undertaker *Poseidon would be a professional swimmer *Ra would be the president *Rama would be a humanitarian *Scylla would be that creepy girl from the grudge *Serqet would be a... can't think of one *Sobek would be an ASPCA member *Sun WuKong would be an actor *Sylvanus would be smokey the bear :P *Thanatos would be a flight attendant *Thor would be the master at the hammer game *Tyr would be a policeman *Ullr would be a hunter *Vamana would be a comedian *Vulcan would be an explosions expert(not a chef Kappa) *Xbalanque would be neighborhood watch *Ymir would be an ice-cube in my delicious lemonade *Zeus would be a weatherman *Finally, Zhong Kui would be on the show "Ghost Hunters"

Give me ideas for Chronos and Serqet, can't think of anything xD

/r/Smite Thread