Runecrafting may have given me cancer, but at least I can play during chemo thanks to mobile!

Hey man, aside from all the memes, I hope you pull through. I think alot about situations like this and I can’t imagine what it’s like. I “feel “ invincible. “It’ll happen to other people, not me” kind of guy.

I have some things going on, not nearly as severe as the situation you’re in, but it makes me come up with negative thoughts often. Like imagining what you’re going through right now. I know this isn’t a healthy way of thinking, but I haven’t been healthy for a couple of years, mentally.

I really hope you pull through this and get to enjoy RS for many years to come or even life for that matter.

I don’t know why I’m typing all of this, I just felt like it after seeing this post. You put yourself out there making a joke whilst dealing with a life threathening illness. I imagine I’d do the same, but I’ll probably be in a more depressive state if I actually do get ill. Good on you for being able to make a joke out of it.

Once again, get well.

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