Running from the cops is the ultimate double or nothing.

I did something similar.

A party I was at got busted when I was around 16-17 and we all ran out the backyard. I ended up getting away (or so we thought) with my girlfriend at the time and another one of my friends. It was late as hell (like 3am) and we were just wandering our neighborhood trying to get back to my house to crash somewhere.

I go out to the street from this neighborhood and look both ways super discreetly and there just so happens to be two police cars coming from both directions, and both their lights shot on and the floored it in my direction.

I turn around to my girlfriend and my other escapee friend and just yell “run” and take off. At the time, I was in the best shape of my life during a successful track year so I kind of just dusted both of them. I was honestly too drunk to even think about either of them getting in trouble, all I was concerned about was running away. The two girls have no idea what to do and are immediately caught by one of the patrol cars and given MICs. The other one followed me but I hopped some fences and ran into a bush where I ended up sitting until 6:30am while the police kept patrolling the neighborhood.

Good news was I never got caught but the bad news was that when I was hiding in the bush with no place to run... the fucking sprinkles came on.

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