Running from the cops is the ultimate double or nothing.

One time in I think 6th grade me and like ten other people had to all book it from the cops. we had all been outside of an abandoned mill building in my town. We went in like 3 at a time well everyone else were outside playing a bootleg game called “rock catch”. Not sure how it was supposed to not attract suspicion but none the less. A guy in a parking lot looked at us then went into a building. Me and some other guy noticed and told the other people. We went down a few streets and crossed a bridge. We then heard “hey I need to ask you some questions”. We looked back to see an obese female cop on the other side of the bridge. One of the kids who was experienced with this booked it. We ran across a street and our dumbasses had the idea to climb a fucking almost 90 degree hill with pricker bushes to get to one of our houses. I am the first one to the top of the hill and the others soon follow. We hop a few fences and get to his house and play basketball ball for an hour. The cop drives by 3 times and never see us. The group leaves 2 at a time as to not attract suspicion and we never got caught. A slightly smaller group went into the mill a week later but the mill installed an alarm and they all got busted.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread