Running Man 607 | Investing Geniuses Go to NY, Part 2

This was a fun episode, especially for me, or maybe others who's interested in stocks. Though my portfolio might be looking a little like Jo Se Ho in the end.

They did similar things as the last stock episode, which would be really good lessons for anyone who's interested in stock market.

Yang Se Chan sabotaging is a lesson which many people, including me would easily fall for. Listening to others thinking something could be good is very difficult to avoid, especially emotionally. Sometimes what people say could be so convincing, that you are just easily convinced it's a good buy. It's something I experienced personally as a beginner.

Jo Se Ho sticking to his +400% investment is also another great lesson. Sometimes investments aren't going to give that same crazy gains, and it might even start losing money eventually.

There's also this social media factor shown in this episode. You could be gaining money, but you don't gain as much as others so you aren't as happy. Jae Suk talked about it. This could cause fear of missing out where people want to look for that high even though gains are still gains.

Having info shows huge advantage, which is why people hate insider trading IRL and it's illegal. Ji Suk Jin trying to get that Tesla gains is just the perfect example why people could be losing money. In reality, no one would know Tesla would rise that much, in 2 years! However, it doesn't stop anyone to try to look for the next stock the rise like Tesla did. It's exhilarating for sure.

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