“Running is the worst exercise to adopt later in life” - as a newbie, this is discouraging advice I’d like to debunk

I don't think any of that advice is true, and even if it was, it wouldn't apply to 37 year olds.

However - i don't think running is the best exercise for people who are 50+, for several reasons. The first being that lifting heavy is by far the best thing for maintaining muscle mass, which is one of the biggest factors in whether you get 'frail' or not - so if you have a certain amount of time to dedicate to exercise at that point in life, it should be focussed on lifting.

(this is probably where his advice comes from - as sprinting is much closer to lifting than 'jogging')

Secondly, and this point is fairly glib, but still important to some people - older runners don't look good. The super-lean, no muscle look is something you can get away with in your youth, but it's not a good look on older people. You see them at every park run, and they all look like recent cancer survivors - it's not healthy looking aesthetic (and i say this as a 5' 10" man who spent several years at 134lbs while i was running seriously).

/r/running Thread