Rural Wisconsin has become a more frightening and less friendly place than I remember

part of your race wants to claim a race/civil war i would recommend you to teach some sense into them before ALL of you end up paying the price for a couple supremi ignorants. Two things, we are MORE, we WILL ALL UNITE, and of course you whites might be overseas all the time but you guys DO NOT SEE NOR EXPERIENCE THE EVERYDAY COMBAT OF LIVING IN A CARTEL STATE, NOR RUNNING THE STREETS, we are peaceful and and our work IS professionally DONE BUT if we must ACT, WE WILL AND WHEN YOU SEE HOW WE WILL VANISH YOUR FAMILIES IN FRONT YOUR EYES LIKE YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN DOING TO US LETS SEE IF YOU TRULY WANT A CIVIL/RACE WAR, WHITE SUPREMACIST AREN'T THE ONLY ONES CRAVING BLOOD AND BELIEVE ME WE CAN BE JUST A RACIST AND EVEN MORE SANGUINARY THAN YOUR PEE WEE MINDS CAN EVER IMAGINE

-F U C K Y O U P U S S Y A S S S U P R E M A C I S T S

/r/wisconsin Thread